Axiological Paradigm of Understanding the Education Phenomenon as a Polyvector Discursive Construct: Harmony of Peace vs Conflict of Military Interpretations


Year-Number: 2021-11:3
Yayımlanma Tarihi: null
Language : null
Konu : Philosophy of Education
Number of pages: 1289-1314
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Bir süreç olarak eğitim nesiller arası diyalogdur ve sonuç olarak eğitim bir insanın, toplumun, çağın manevi yüzüdür; belirli bir kültürel çevrenin mirası olan ahlaki ve manevi değerlerin etkisi altında oluşur. Eğitim, birlikte belirli bir kişinin (insanlar, ulus, toplum, çağın yanı sıra) “yüzünü” temsil eden “çevre değerlerinin” “yaşam deneyimi değerlerine” ekstrapolasyonunun niteliksel ve insancıl bir tezahürüdür. Kendi kendine eğitim, benzersiz bir eğitim biçimidir (olgun yalnızlığın olağanüstü bir düzenlemesi olarak) ve insan varoluşunun mirasının düzenlemesinin orijinal bir versiyonudur. Bu nedenle, toplumun endüstriyelden bilgiye geçişi, bilgi teknolojisinin kamusal yaşamın tüm alanlarına girmesi için itici güç olmuştur ve bu da, postmodernitenin en yankılanan eğitimsel ve kültürel fenomeni olarak uzaktan öğrenmeyi içermektedir.



Education as a process is the dialogue of generations, and education as a result is the spiritual face of a man, community, era; it is formed under the influence of moral and spiritual values, which are the heritage of a particular cultural circle. Education is a qualitative and humanistic manifestation of extrapolation of “values of the environment” to “values of life experience”, which together represent the “face” of a certain person (as well as people, nation, society, epoch). Self-education is a unique form of education (as an extraordinary embodiment of mature loneliness) and an original version of the embodiment of the heritage of the human existence. That is why the transition of society from industrial to information has been the impetus for the introduction of information technology in all spheres of public life, which, in turn, embodies distance learning as the most resonant educational and cultural phenomenon of postmodernity. Values are the alpha and omega of the mental experience of mankind, because any philosophical school is based on a certain scale of values. Values are the embodiment of a qualitative and a priori choice under the circumstances, the content of which floats between extremes and “bottom”. Self-education is a unique form of education (as an extraordinary embodiment of mature loneliness) and an original version of the embodiment of the heritage of the human existence. That is why the transition of society from industrial to information has been the impetus for the introduction of information technology in all spheres of public life, which, in turn, embodies distance learning as the most resonant educational and cultural phenomenon of postmodernity. The relevance of the topic is confirmed by the fact that any philosophical system ultimately focuses on the educational paradigm of introduction or denial, any philosophizing ends with the problems of education and the value of knowledge. There is also an understanding of the ideological status of education as a potential tool for harmonizing hybrid conflicts as a manipulative discourse of interpretations.
