1. Beytulhikme is a scientifically refereed philosophy journal. It is published four times per year in March, June, September and December. The language of the journal is Turkish and English.
2. In addition to original research articles, Beytulhikme also publishes interviews, reviews of book and papers, technical notes, and critical notices. Such submissions should be between 600 and 1000 words in length.
3. Beytulhikme also publishes translations, which should all include the name of the original paper, its author, its date and place of publication, information about the journal in which it was published, and the consent of the original publisher if the original is still under copyright protection.
4. All papers should contain abstracts of 150 words in both Turkish and English, as well as key words in both Turkish and English (non-Turkish authors may provide these in English only). Papers should not exceed 7000 words, with double spacing and margins as follows: left 4.5 cm, top 4.5 cm, bottom 3.5 cm, and right 4.5 cm.
5. It is mandatory to use reference manager software such as Endnote, Mendeley or Zotero in manuscripts submitted to the journal. When using these software, APA 7th Edition should be selected as the bibliography or reference style, and all references should be organized in accordance with the guidelines given below.
6. All papers should be submitted via the Manuscript Tracking System and each of them are evaluated by at least two referees. Since there is a strict blind review process, papers must be submitted without any information about the author(s) such as the name(s) of the author(s) in the main text . Authors must also assure that their identities are not revealed in any other way in preliminary manuscripts (acknowledgments, etc.). If necessary, such information can only be added when the review process is complete.
7. Any pictures or graphics in the paper should be sent separately as jpg files and should be a maximum of 10 × 20 cm in size.
8. The Editorial Board is fully authorized to make the final decision of whether to publish or not to publish a paper. Authors are fully responsible for all ideas and contents of their papers. All rights of published papers belong to Beytulhikme.